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Follow the story of Yuuki Tajima, a 16-year old boy that moves to the Japanese island of Fukazawa after a tragic accident. After consuming a mysterious medicine, he gains the ability to enter the dreams of others. While in these dreams, he must use his newly obtained powers and fight along the sides of his allies to save innocent people from inevitable deaths.


Along with fighting in the dream realm, you must also pass time in the real world. This could be studying, getting a cup of coffee, hanging out with friends, and more! The possibilities are endless. But remember- there is a deadline, and your decisions on how you spend your time will matter.



The gameplay is split into two sections: living your normal life as a high school student, and conquering dreamscapes inside of the dream realm.


In the normal life section, you can pass time doing various activities in the morning, after school, and in the evening. These activities can include bonding with a companion, working out, getting a job, ect. Most of these various activities will raise one of Yuuki's 'Characteristic Stats'. Characteristic Stats will affect what you are able to do in your normal life, and may affect what choices you can make and who you can spend time with.


As you progress through the game, you will gain new companions. Bonding with companions can provide a wide range of perks in the dream realm, such as special skills, sales on items, etc. After reaching a certain level of friendship with some companions, you will have the opportunity to enter a relationship with them.

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